Atlassian Cloud Migration

#Atlassian Migration #Atlassian
About the client:
MASAV operates the "Debits, Credits and Payment Transfers" system, which is the central payment system in Israel, serving the needs of banks, small, medium and large corporate customers.
The company is a banking corporation owned by the central banks in Israel, and provides services to all banks and their customers.
The volume of activity at MASAV and the uniqueness of the services make it a central hub in financial activity in Israeli the economy.
Customer’s requirements:
The project purpose was to migrate Jira instance from on-prem to Cloud.
We had a tight project schedule, and had to handle man-power changes during the project cycle.
In addition, there were several technical items we had to handle, and the team handled it professionally.
Project challenges: network and security aspects.
Major technical challenges: Working and migrating JEditor and Xray plugins to cloud.
Ycon solution:
Following a comprehensive analysis of the entire environment, we planned with MASAV’s technical team a full migration plan, taking under consideration all the security aspects as well as which information is included in migration and which is not.
For example:
In the terms of XRAY, the linkage between cross-projects issues is not included on migration using JCMA (Jira Cloud Migration Assistant) and should be done manually. We have developed several scripts to handle those challenges for the customer.
JEditor: app does not exist on cloud. The app was adding html formatting on the on-prem instance. As a result, we had to set a script to remove them.
App saved attachments that were not part of standard Jira attachments, as a result they were not migrated. We had to script it and design a solution to migrate them to the right Jira issue.
Xray: Any company that tried to make a migration to cloud know that there are several issues during migration. In addition, having inter-project Xray links caused the one-step migration process to fail. We have implemented a solution to overcome it until it migrated perfectly.

Client's benefits:​
Meeting the customer’s requirements, such as the following -
Tight schedule- we were asked by the customer’s project manager to meet a challenging tight schedule (before the subscription expires)
Map and address all the required plugins
Smooth transition of all users, without harming the continuity of projects and development processes.
Overcoming technical obstacles, including adapting plugins to the client's requirements.
Training on Atlassian Cloud Environment